Zighy II Teaplate in Teal and Blush
Our exclusive journey into the wonderful world of tableware starts with our teaplate. Measuring 24cm in diameter, this plate is smaller than a dinner plate but bigger than a side plate and therefore makes the perfect tea plate.
We like to use this for anything from breakfast toast to cakes, biscuits and crumpets. It is absolutely ideal for sandwiches and small salads and even a smaller evening meal.
Little puddings or petite four would look so stunning served on this plate and it makes the collection set complete when paired with the teapot and cups and saucers. The matching mugs or a mixture of the Zighy mugs would look excellent alongside them too!
Like all things at Jo D, we encourage you to build your own bespoke collection to suit your taste, style and mood. We hope you like exploring our selection of plates and that you enjoy putting together your own unique set.
Mix + Match
All our colours are entirely bespoke to the Jo Deakin colour palette. This colourway is a reverse of the Zighy Teal and Blush, with the teal being the main 'hero' colour with the blush pink lines cutting through this vivid green, giving it depth and sophistication.
Our fine bone china afternoon tea plates come carefully packaged in our signature bright and brilliant bespoke box, making it the perfect gift to give to someone special without any extra wrapping needed!